Hi, We’re Apex Lab
Nice To Virtually Meet You
How are you?
If you or your business is looking for the Germs Be Gone product line, you’re in the right place and we’ve got the goods.
These extraordinary times are one for the history books. While we work to move forward, our team is living in this moment too. We’re adapting. Asking ourselves how can we get back to the future?
We’re proud of the company we keep. Proud of doing our part to help you reach the pinnacle of protection. Sustain it, so you can do your stuff, whatever that means for you. We’re bridge builders connecting today to tomorrow. A hands-on kind of company obsessed with affordability, accessibility and accountability.
You can’t go out alone. You don’t have to. Get all the right stuff from your Apex Lab family. Our friends call us Apex. Feel free to dispense with the formality too.
All The Right Stuff
What touches you touches all of us.
We’re defensive in a good way. Our collections will have you masked up, wiped down, gloved up, soaped up, sanitized and ready to take on the world. Canadian-made Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) to keep you and our communities safe. Apex Lab works closely with governments, institutions and hospitals to research, develop and provide everyone with high-grade, peak performing products.
All the right steps reduce the risk of infection.
Building for a safe future today.
Carefully Selected Suppliers
Our suppliers are handpicked and carefully monitored. They must abide by our shipping and return guidelines.
Committed to Customer Service
Our Call Centre is open 7 days a week so you can track your package, inquire about products and more.
Secure Payment
Our website and ecommerce payment processes are secure. Your ID and payment info are protected.
Our community outreach...
You're making us blush
“Thank you to Apex Lab. Our Shelter is an essential service providing shelter to our homeless youth, with Apex Lab’s much needed donation of hand sanitizers we continue to ensure our youth are healthy and safe.”
Filomena Williams
Executive Director
Horizons For Youth, Toronto, Ontario
“Thank you for your generous donation of hand sanitizer to Yellow Brick House from your organization! Donors such as you provide life-saving support services and prevention programs to meet the diverse needs of individuals, families, and communities impacted by violence.”
Lorris Herenda
Executive Director
Yellow Brick House, Richmond Hill, Ontario